Over the years, people have sought out Byron Edwards for his advice. He is constantly being asked his opinion on certain topics. And, at book signings in particular, specific questions seem to pop up with a degree of regularity. The following section, in question-and-answer format, in no particular order, is an attempt to address some of the most frequently asked questions that Byron receives:
1. I too would like to write. What suggestion do you have for a beginner writer to get started? I seem to have trouble getting started?
Take out some paper and something with which to write and begin. Or crank up the computer and begin. Start with “Once upon a time” if you can think of nothing else. But the main thing is simply to begin writing something.
2. What is your favorite novel?
Lost Horizon by James Hilton.
3. What is your favorite comic?
Uncle Scrooge by Walt Disney.
4. What are your working on now?
My first Christian novel, Living in the Light has now been released. It can be ordered online in hardback, paperback or ebook editions. If you prefer to shop in bookstores, if it's not in stock, they can also order it for you. I have done some radio interviews and newspaper interviews regarding Living in the Light. That's some of what I am doing now.
5. Have any of your books been made into a movie yet?
I appreciate the “yet.” As “yet,” none have been made into a movie. However, I do not need a book to be made into a movie to validate myself as a writer. My readers do that for me and I certainly appreciate it. I would like for a book (or two or three) to be made into a movie but am not losing any sleep over it if it does not happen. My novels Secrets of Lost Atlantis, The Mystery of Melissa's First Date and Lips have generated some interest but nothing has come of it (yet).
6. Do you ever write anything other than books?
Yes. Using a pen name, I have had magazine articles published. Also, using my real name, I have had articles published in academic journals. I have just finished by most recent novel, Living in the Light.
7. What is your IQ?
Just a little over 140.
8. Are you married?
Yes. I am a fortunate man in that I have married my best friend, Vivian. Not only am I in love with her but I actually like her. At lot of men can't seem to say that about their wives these days and I am sorry for them. People have told me that only a man who clearly and completely understands genuine love could have written my novel Dawn. I don't claim to completely understand love, but I do know that it is the most powerful force in the universe.
9. What is your opinion of politicians in America?
I think the majority of them are crooks and about 98% of them are liars. I do not think the Constitution ever intended that people make a career out of being a politician. A Legislator (both at the State and Federal levels) was supposed to serve his term and then go back to his real job. I have an extremely low opinion of politicians.
10. What is your favorite large city?
Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.
11. What is your favorite state in the United States?
I love nature and for pure natural beauty, Maine. Standing on the top of Mt. Battie and looking out on Camden Harbor and the Penobscot Bay can be a spiritual experience.
12. What is your favorite Canadian province?
Prince Edward Island. The green of PEI is stunningly beautiful. The people there are wonderful.
13. What is your opinion of the public schools in America?
I think, primarily, they are disgraceful. If I were a parent today, I would do everything I could to get my children into a private school. That is not always possible and, consequently, parents need to supplement the public schools with their own resources as much as possible. Public schools have been, in the past forty years, devastated by a combination of political correctness, local and state politics, teacher unions, a general lowering of standards and mediocre education schools at the collegiate level.
14. Do you sell autographed photos of yourself?
15. I have read Lips and found it to be a deeper book than it appears to be on the surface. And it has a touch of something that is not like other novels. I do like that “something.” Your publisher describes it as “quirky and unique style.” I’m not sure what that means but I do like it. Are your books “quirky?”
In a way, yes. For example, Dawn is, in some ways, a historical novel. But it takes place in the future.
16. Do you do public speaking engagements and chat room interviews?
Yes. For details of how this can be arranged, please click here.
17. From where do you get all the ideas for your books?
From my imagination.
18. Would you mind if I sent a sample of my writing to you to get your opinion of it and, perhaps, to make some suggestions?
Please don't send me any of your writings. First of all, I do not have the time to review them and give you my opinion. And, even if I did, what would you have? Another writer's opinion. If you sent the same material to another writer and got his opinion, it would probably be different than mine. I have found that writers do not make good reviewers of others' works. One reason for this is that they see a concept and immediately think of how they would write it. When someone doesn't take the same approach, well then, their writing style is suspect.
I'm afraid that any material that is sent to me I have to dispose of without reading it. I hope you understand.
19. How has the Internet changed the book business?
I love bookstores but I have drastically cut my book purchases in bookstores over the past ten to fifteen years due primarily to the Internet. I think the Internet is wonderful. You can go, for instance, to amazon.com and find information and reviews on every book that is in print and many that are no longer in print. I especially enjoy the section where they allow people who have read the book to write in and express an opinion about it. I have found this helpful. When you are ready to order a book, a few clicks and it is on its way to your front door. There is no traffic and you never hear, “I’m sorry, but we do not have any copies of that book in the store right now. We can order it for you and it’ll be here in a week.” With the Internet, we can all order it ourselves and it will be delivered to our homes in a few days. Internet prices are usually less than a bookstore and that certainly helps. I think that the Internet now has more book sales than bookstores and eventually will completely take over the market. Individually owned bookshops are having a difficult time remaining in business. Even chain bookstores are having problems. I love bookshops and wish them well but am afraid that the convenience of the Internet is simply overpowering.
20. Let me take this spot to thank everyone who has read one of my books. I am extremely grateful to you for taking the time to do that. I hope you found the time to have been well spent.
1. I too would like to write. What suggestion do you have for a beginner writer to get started? I seem to have trouble getting started?
Take out some paper and something with which to write and begin. Or crank up the computer and begin. Start with “Once upon a time” if you can think of nothing else. But the main thing is simply to begin writing something.
2. What is your favorite novel?
Lost Horizon by James Hilton.
3. What is your favorite comic?
Uncle Scrooge by Walt Disney.
4. What are your working on now?
My first Christian novel, Living in the Light has now been released. It can be ordered online in hardback, paperback or ebook editions. If you prefer to shop in bookstores, if it's not in stock, they can also order it for you. I have done some radio interviews and newspaper interviews regarding Living in the Light. That's some of what I am doing now.
5. Have any of your books been made into a movie yet?
I appreciate the “yet.” As “yet,” none have been made into a movie. However, I do not need a book to be made into a movie to validate myself as a writer. My readers do that for me and I certainly appreciate it. I would like for a book (or two or three) to be made into a movie but am not losing any sleep over it if it does not happen. My novels Secrets of Lost Atlantis, The Mystery of Melissa's First Date and Lips have generated some interest but nothing has come of it (yet).
6. Do you ever write anything other than books?
Yes. Using a pen name, I have had magazine articles published. Also, using my real name, I have had articles published in academic journals. I have just finished by most recent novel, Living in the Light.
7. What is your IQ?
Just a little over 140.
8. Are you married?
Yes. I am a fortunate man in that I have married my best friend, Vivian. Not only am I in love with her but I actually like her. At lot of men can't seem to say that about their wives these days and I am sorry for them. People have told me that only a man who clearly and completely understands genuine love could have written my novel Dawn. I don't claim to completely understand love, but I do know that it is the most powerful force in the universe.
9. What is your opinion of politicians in America?
I think the majority of them are crooks and about 98% of them are liars. I do not think the Constitution ever intended that people make a career out of being a politician. A Legislator (both at the State and Federal levels) was supposed to serve his term and then go back to his real job. I have an extremely low opinion of politicians.
10. What is your favorite large city?
Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.
11. What is your favorite state in the United States?
I love nature and for pure natural beauty, Maine. Standing on the top of Mt. Battie and looking out on Camden Harbor and the Penobscot Bay can be a spiritual experience.
12. What is your favorite Canadian province?
Prince Edward Island. The green of PEI is stunningly beautiful. The people there are wonderful.
13. What is your opinion of the public schools in America?
I think, primarily, they are disgraceful. If I were a parent today, I would do everything I could to get my children into a private school. That is not always possible and, consequently, parents need to supplement the public schools with their own resources as much as possible. Public schools have been, in the past forty years, devastated by a combination of political correctness, local and state politics, teacher unions, a general lowering of standards and mediocre education schools at the collegiate level.
14. Do you sell autographed photos of yourself?
15. I have read Lips and found it to be a deeper book than it appears to be on the surface. And it has a touch of something that is not like other novels. I do like that “something.” Your publisher describes it as “quirky and unique style.” I’m not sure what that means but I do like it. Are your books “quirky?”
In a way, yes. For example, Dawn is, in some ways, a historical novel. But it takes place in the future.
16. Do you do public speaking engagements and chat room interviews?
Yes. For details of how this can be arranged, please click here.
17. From where do you get all the ideas for your books?
From my imagination.
18. Would you mind if I sent a sample of my writing to you to get your opinion of it and, perhaps, to make some suggestions?
Please don't send me any of your writings. First of all, I do not have the time to review them and give you my opinion. And, even if I did, what would you have? Another writer's opinion. If you sent the same material to another writer and got his opinion, it would probably be different than mine. I have found that writers do not make good reviewers of others' works. One reason for this is that they see a concept and immediately think of how they would write it. When someone doesn't take the same approach, well then, their writing style is suspect.
I'm afraid that any material that is sent to me I have to dispose of without reading it. I hope you understand.
19. How has the Internet changed the book business?
I love bookstores but I have drastically cut my book purchases in bookstores over the past ten to fifteen years due primarily to the Internet. I think the Internet is wonderful. You can go, for instance, to amazon.com and find information and reviews on every book that is in print and many that are no longer in print. I especially enjoy the section where they allow people who have read the book to write in and express an opinion about it. I have found this helpful. When you are ready to order a book, a few clicks and it is on its way to your front door. There is no traffic and you never hear, “I’m sorry, but we do not have any copies of that book in the store right now. We can order it for you and it’ll be here in a week.” With the Internet, we can all order it ourselves and it will be delivered to our homes in a few days. Internet prices are usually less than a bookstore and that certainly helps. I think that the Internet now has more book sales than bookstores and eventually will completely take over the market. Individually owned bookshops are having a difficult time remaining in business. Even chain bookstores are having problems. I love bookshops and wish them well but am afraid that the convenience of the Internet is simply overpowering.
20. Let me take this spot to thank everyone who has read one of my books. I am extremely grateful to you for taking the time to do that. I hope you found the time to have been well spent.